Course 9


In this course, we will discuss work and learn useful phrases to use at a restaurant. We will go through words and expressions relating to work, employment, and occupations. In terms of grammar, we will practise the use of the object and the inflection of personal pronouns.

This course is suitable for students who have already studied the basics of Finnish for some time.

Course content


  • Expressions
    No niin.
    (Here we go.)
    Hyvä tietää.
    (Good to know.)
  • Work and employment vocabulary
    työpaikka, yritys, firma
    (job, company, firm)
    työaika, työsopimus, etätyö
    (working hours, employment contract, teleworking)
  • Occupations
  • Conversation at a restaurant


  • Object
    Avaan ikkunan.
    (I will open the window.)
    Juotko kahvia?
    (Do you drink coffee?)
  • Word types (words ending with us/ys/os/es/es)
    kokous, kokouksessa
    (meeting, in a meeting)
    päätös, päätöksessä
    (decision, in decision)
  • To whom, from whom
    Kerron Kallelle.
    (I will tell Kalle.) 
  • k-p-t variation in verb types 3 and 4
    esitellä, esittelen
    (introduce, I introduce)
    tykätä, tykkään
    (like, I like)
  • Talk, chat, discuss, tell + about what
  • inflection of personal pronouns
    minä, minua, minun, minut
    (I, me, my/mine, me)

After the course you will be able to

  • Talk about work.
  • Have a conversation at a restaurant.

Schedule and price

9x 90 min

1 - 2 people
1746 e + VAT

3 - 4 people
1926 e + VAT

5 - 6 people
2106 e + VAT

7 -8 people
2286 e + VAT